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03-16-09 Tax Policy Committee


MARCH 16, 2009

PRESENT William P. Horan, Jr., Chair; Councilors Marc Weinberg and Eric Thompson

ALSO            Melody Currey, Mayor
PRESENT Michael Walsh, Finance Director
                Rich Gentile, Assistant Corporation Counsel
                Iris Laurenza, Tax Collector


Chair Horan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.


September 23, 2008

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Marc Weinberg
                to approve the minutes of the September 23, 2008 meeting.
                Motion carried 3/0.  




Mobile Home (36) Delinquency – RFP approved 02-05-08

Finance Director Michael Walsh explained that there were no bids on the RFP for mobile homes tax liens that was approved at the Town Council meeting of February 5, 2008.

No further action taken on this matter.

150-174 Park Avenue, 141 Prestige Park Road, 333 Roberts Street – RFP approved on 10-07-08

Finance Director Michael Walsh explained that there were no bids on the three properties subject to the RFP from October 7, 2008, and since then one of the three properties has paid their taxes in full.

No further action taken on the remaining two properties.

Tax Lien Sales – listed on February 3, 2009 memorandum

Finance Director Michael Walsh initiated a general discussion of the proposed tax lien sales beginning with the story behind one particular arrearage on Oxford Drive (with permission of the homeowner).  Mayor Currey suggested the possibility of reducing the standard 25% required down payment to get on a plan down to 10%, as a result of the downturn in the economy.  A general discussion of the tax lien sale procedure continued.  Chair Horan suggested that the current procedure be maintained with a reduction form 25% to 10% down payment as suggest by the Mayor, to be noted in the letter that will be sent to all taxpayers subject to the RFP.

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to authorize the administration to conduct a tax lien sale by way of a
request for proposal (RFP) and to seek and receive sealed bids pursuant
         to an invitation to bid on a number of tax liens held by the town on
        specific real property as listed on a "delinquent report" produced by the
        Finance Director dated February 3, 2009 to all Town Council members
subject to the following four conditions:
  • The Collector of Revenue shall notify the~record owner of each property subject to a lien that is to be included in the tax lien sale, by certified mail, that the lien is being included in the request for proposal and invitation to bid, and that~the owner should contact the Town immediately to pay the taxes or seek a payment plan if they wish to keep the Town's tax liens on their property from being sold;
  • Said letter shall state that the town is presently requiring only 10% down payment to get on a plan, instead of the standard 25% down payment normally required;
  • The letters from the Collector of Revenue to each property owner shall notify the property owner that the purchaser of the tax lien on their property shall have the right to foreclose on that property, and
  • The Administration shall return to the Town Council with the results of the request for proposal and that the proposal for each tax lien must be approved by the Town Council before it is sold.
Motion carried 3/0.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Marc Weinberg
                to adjourn (6:09 p.m.)
                Motion carried 3/0.

cc:  Town Council
        Mayor Currey
        Mike Walsh, Finance Director
        Rich Gentile, Assistant Corporation Counsel
        Iris Laurenza, Tax Collector